
Financial overview

In the third year of operation, the Wyss Academy for Nature registered an implementation rate of 61% (CHF 13.4 million) in posting an ordinary earning of CHF 8.0 million. The activities in fiscal year 2022 were centered around scaling up the Regional Stewardship Hubs and the Research and Innovation teams and around the build-up of competence centers supporting the field operations.  

The Wyss Academy has absorbed the doubling of its workforce in 2022 to over 60 staff members. Despite and, to a certain extent, due to this impressive growth, the implementation of the planned projects fell short compared to the ambitions expressed in the 2022 budget. The available financial resources were again not fully applied, due to a continued lack of access due to COVID-19 travel restrictions or political tensions in some regional areas, among others. The resulting additional equity will be reduced again during the coming years by further scaling foreseen for the projects in the Hubs of the Global South.


Committed Funding 2020–2029

in million CHF

Funding Committed

Contributed Funding 2020–2022

in million CHF

Funding Contributed

Core Funding 2022

in million CHF

Funding Core

in million CHF
Donor Purpose Overall
per year
Wyss Foundation Grant 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 70.00
Canton of Bern Implementation program 30.00 3.00 0.57 1.91 3.55 6.03 23.97
State contribution 17.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 5.10 11.90
Premises (in kind) 3.00 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.90 2.10
University of Bern University contribution 30.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 21.00
Tied funds 17.00 1.70 1.72 1.25 1.20 4.17 12.82
SDC SDC (2020–2023) 3.00 0.30 0.28 0.75 0.80 1.83 1.18
Total 200.00 20.00 17.57 18.91 20.55 57.03 142.97

Income Statement

Donor contributions 17,000,000
Income for implementation program Hub Bern 3,550,450
Other third-party funding for implementation program Hub Bern 314,568
Other third-party funding for projects, research and services 532,060
Other operating income 12,486
Total operating income 21,409,564
Project expenses -6,349,037
Personnel expenses -6,096,911
Other operating expenses -699,402
Depreciation of tangible assets -200,359
Amortization on intangible assets -59,415
Total operating expenses -13,405,124
Operating result 8,004,440
Financial result -2,801
Ordinary result 8,001,639
Extraordinary result 0
Result of the year 8,001,639

Balance Sheet

Assets CHF
Cash and cash equivalents 22,621,092
Current financial assets 10,036,533
Receivables from services 2,664,132
Other short-term receivables 1,302,018
Advance payments Regional Hubs 76,636
Prepayments and accrued income 475,497
Current assets 37,175,908
Tangible fixed assets 723,472
Intangible assets 305,096
Non-current assets 1,028,568
Total assets 38,204,476


Liabilities and foundation capital CHF
Payables from goods and services 2,761,308
Accrued liabilities and deferred income 1,898,853
Short-term provisions 556,975
Current liabilities 5,217,136
Foundation capital 10,000,000
Result carried forward 14,985,701
Result of the year 8,001,639
Total foundation capital 32,987,340
Total liabilities and foundation capital 38,204,476

The Income Statement and Balance Sheet refers to the business year: 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022.
The financial statements were established in accordance with the Swiss GAAP FER standard.

Download the Financial Report

For detailed information, please refer to the full 2022 Financial Report.
