Our why and how


Five values contribute to the fulfillment of the vision and mission of the Wyss Academy for Nature.

Innovation oriented

Innovation oriented

In reaching out to others, we co-create with curiosity, discover, and foster creativity and communicate our successes and failures so that we can mutually learn from it.

People centered

People centered

We build on diversity, wellbeing and personal growth, pushing and promoting talent and partnerships.

Impact driven

Impact driven

We strive for our ambitious goals collaboratively, with enthusiasm and perseverance, leaving positive imprints on the planet.



We courageously grasp, develop and harness opportunities to do the right things the right way for a meaningful impact.

Transparent and fair

Transparent and fair

As an impartial and independent actor, we apply the highest ethical, scientific and technical standards and communicate openly, truthfully and free from violence, sharing knowledge for the greater good.